

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Review vs career!!!


Review with John and Lea went well, Some buddy's joined also our group. I did my best for review in September, all my time. no TV, iwas guests, iwas any distractions. September is a full math, electronics and communications. even, Reviewing late at night.


Less Review, more relax while john and lea are in panic. Most of my buddies felt their heart pump beat faster. While me, more TV, more movie, and more food. I work in fixing my body clock, I sleep early, stay focus during review, and increase my alertness every after lunch, do stretching every 30 minutes. These helped me a lot during the board exam.

The intel exam....
I don't have much time to review for the board during this month. I also prepared for my board exam, even more time for this one. I was pressured because I need a lot of technical know how to get the job. But to my surprise, it was been easy. I went back and forth from manila to cavite for 1 month. Did my best with the help of Nolan and Bernard. almost 50 tried to get this job. Unfortunately, only 16 of us passed.

October is challenging to me, I don't have priorities: board exam or intel? huh


Nov 5, Sign contract papers from intel.
Nov 6-7 Board exam
Nov 8 Start of work

what a sked....

During The Board Exam

Excited, I dream of workin' in intel. Everyone is ready for the training. The workplace is great, it went far beyond my expectations. I like it. Unfortunately, I see the job OK but it is not my interest. But I was introduced to new people and new friends.

AFter a week, I pass the board exam, hehe :-). I can't celebrate because I am busy with my very first job.

I am happy because I won it both.


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